![]() June 30, 2003Instructions Upon My Deathtake my record books and throw them in the freezer for my descendants to thaw and take my boring life story and burn it to ashes along with Sammy Sosa defining each each side of the plate with a tap of the bat Mark McGwire eyes blinking hard then stretching wide open to see what is coming Rickey Henderson bent over his head following the ball in then stopping straight down eyes peeking back at the catcher's glove Barry Bonds face full of boredom and disgust all those ball threes Posted at 06:52 AM by scorebard.
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May 28, 2003A Prayer for My Daughterin our youth, your mom and i then anyone ever a 3-2 count protect. the dawns become days a popup in the sun where am i see, fall, and you-- turning to today and may come spring you Posted at 09:12 PM by scorebard.
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May 31, 1995Magicmagic is a radioactive element with an imperceptible half-life a tree can be climbed like a long stairway to mysterious planets circling distant stars so step up and swing before the call to come in for dinner makes the invisible runner standing on the second base bag become a beat-up old glove lying out in the street Posted at 01:02 AM by scorebard.
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April 01, 19951994 Strikenot even a hi mom to the ancestors. a tree forgets mother earth and topples for lack of roots. the glorified leaves crumble in the dry wind. the wood decays. mom can only sprout anew, forgetting back ungrateful sons Posted at 12:34 PM by scorebard.
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February 04, 1995Scara baseball is born shiny and smooth as a baby's cheek a perfect sphere travelling innocently in straight lines in time, a single bloody scar wraps around its body and changes everything Posted at 02:21 AM by scorebard.
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